Product Description
Price: 20,99€ - 17,80 €
(as of Sep 03, 2024 14:10:44 UTC – Details)
Editore : Aurum Press Ltd (1 giugno 2011)
Lingua : Inglese
Copertina flessibile : 750 pagine
ISBN-10 : 1845136748
ISBN-13 : 978-1845136741
Peso articolo : 1,05 Kilograms
Dimensioni : 13.3 x 4.6 x 19.7 cm
Libro Walt Disney the biography neal gabler
Lunga, esaustiva e piuttosto impegnativa
Avevo acquistato questo libro alcuni anni fa, salvo poi lasciarlo decantare sulla libreria in attesa di un momento propizio.Sì, propizio per la lettura di 600 pagine scritte fitto fitto in inglese.E’ stata una lettura lunga e a tratti impegnativa, soprattutto nelle parti in cui l’autore si dilunga (forse un po’ troppo) sulle sottigliezze economiche o sulle clausole più machiavelliche dei vari contratti che i fratelli Disney ebbero a firmare con altri svariati soggetti.Ho apprezzato comunque la completezza e il fatto che la figura di Walt ne esca estremamente umana. Prima lessi anche “Il principe nero di Hollywood” che a differenza di questo appare ai miei occhi molto meno imparziale (si tratta infatti inequivocabilmente di una biografia studiata per mettere in luce ed esasperare gli aspetti negativi e maniacali di Walt).Qui W.Disney è un uomo contemporaneamente geniale ma tormentato, brillante e amabile ma anche cocciuto e talvolta eccessivamente autoritario… Tuttavia anche i suoi eccessi sono spiegati con dovizia di particolari e le sue ragioni sempre esplicitate. Anche episodi “oscuri” come la sua partecipazione al maccartismo e il suo spesso sbandierato razzismo e antisemitismo (vedi battute ricorrenti nel cartone I Griffin ad esempio) sono ridimensionate notevolmente.Nel complesso, consigliato a chi vuole entrare nella vita di un personaggio indubbiamente geniale e a cui tutti gli amanti dell’animazione non possono fare altro che rendere omaggio (senza scadere però in banali mitizzazioni… Walt era tutto fuorché perfetto)
Based on recommendation i order and enjoy
Bastant completa sobre Walt Disney
Several biographies of Walt Disney exist, so you may be forgiven for feeling a little overwhelmed by the choice. Whilst I don’t claim to have read them all, I can say without doubt that this – Neal Gabler’s – work is the best that I’ve laid hands on.Don’t be put off by the size as I almost was (700+ pages of tiny text) – eventually you won’t want to put it down.Gabler should be commended for the sheer breadth of information researched, written in such a way that it almost never becomes boring or irrelevant. At times, you can almost place yourself in the particular events and feel yourself as a fly on the wall, witnessing the various time periods.The book unreservedly takes a very objective and neutral stance towards Disney as an individual, avoiding the trap of shock value (as other critics have imposed) or dwelling in any mismatch of perception that went against his ‘uncle’ image. Gabler simply tells it as it was, through multiple works, sources and the comments of those around Disney – and then lets the reader make their own judgement.The quality of the research is so thorough that, throughout much of the book, the events which take place are described in diary-like fashion, even going down to the hour in some cases. In many chapters, the tension becomes riveting and you can’t help but want to know more. Ultimately, you will gain a greater appreciation for not just the hardships of people during the turn of the century, but the sacrifices that Disney himself made in his pursuit for success.Gabler makes a lot of effort to build a picture of Walt through the very time periods and products that he invested in, the book is as much a treat for general ‘Disney’ fans as it is for those interested in the man behind it all. I own countless books on animation and the Disney parks, yet there were still a lot of information present that I didn’t know – and it’s absolutely fascinating; though admittedly, I believe some of this will be best appreciated by enthusiasts.Surprises? I would like to say that the meddling and shenanigans of film studios throughout the Twenties and Thirties was a shock, but then I realised we probably haven’t moved on that much…By the end, a number of repeated themes seem to round-off this complex character. Disney craved social company, attention, joy and perfection in his work. His tough upbringing and youth had a direct influence on his work ethics, and his wanting to create circles of smaller families, relationships, was largely affected by the infinitely more positive relationships he held with women when he was young. His naivety and ‘simple’ view of some aspects of life also cost him many, many times in the business world.To sum up, this is must-read for any Walt Disney enthusiast.
Eine exzellent geschriebene, ausgewogene, gut recherchierte und äuÃerst detailreich Biographie von Walt Disney. Der Mensch, der Macher, der Boss. Seine Erfolge, seine Niederlagen. Die Entstehung der Filme, des Parks, aber auch private Einblicke insbesondere in sein Verhältnis zu Bruder Roy. Exzellent, kurzweilig, interessant und umfangreich.
This is a thick book but gets into many aspects of the subject’s life. It doesn’t gloss over the tough times and gives you a look as to what Walt was like as an employer, a person, a friend. Great read!